Extended Care Re-Commits to Eden Alternative Philosophy
May 10, 2010

Extended Care originally joined the Eden Registry in 1998. The Eden Registry is an honor society of homes that have made a public commitment to implementing all Ten Principles of the Eden Alternative. The Principles coincide with the Eden Alternative model to improve Elders’ lives by reintroducing companionship, a sense of purpose, variety and spontaneity into their day-to-day experience.
Homes, like Extended Care, are admitted to the Eden Registry based on their foundation of Eden Alternative education, the support and commitment of their formal leadership, and their plans for ongoing growth and implementation. The staff and management of homes on the Eden Registry continue to work towards meaningful cultural change through ongoing training and a continued dedication to making life better for those who live and work there.
Kay Johnson, Extended Care Administrator states that “the Eden Alternative has shown us how to create a warm culture that is characterized by optimism, trust, generosity and people working together to make a better world for our Elders. More importantly, Eden teaches us that decisions belong with our Elders, or as close to our Elders as possible.”
Our Elders need and deserve an opportunity for a life worth living, not just time spent waiting to die. With the adoption of the Eden Alternative Philosophy and Principles, Sidney Health Center Extended Care is working to show people aging in a long-term facility can be quality time.