Carter Michael Anthony

Birth Date:
November 27, 2023

Time of Birth:
7:24 pm

Son Of:
Kylee & Craig
8lbs. 5 oz.

20.25 in.

Delivered By: Malua Tambi MD
Baby's Physician: Dr. Fritz

Family Message:
Welcome our first born son into the world. Such a blessing his is, the joy we needed added to our family.

Sidney Health Center

Proudly Announces

Carter Michael Anthony

Birth Date:
November 27, 2023

Time of Birth:
7:24 pm

Son Of:
Kylee & Craig
8lbs. 5 oz.

20.25 in.

Delivered By: Malua Tambi MD
Baby's Physician:

Family Message:
Welcome our first born son into the world. Such a blessing his is, the joy we needed added to our family.